Publication Design

On highly visible projects — where reputations are on the line — who should you trust?

Effective publication design tells a story in an interesting and informative way. For digital and print publications; creative page design, images, and illustration work together to bring the text to life — to engage and inform the reader.

And… experience counts. Projects of this scope are not a place for “learning on the job.” Guy With Glasses offers years of publication design experience and creativity. I am comfortable and competent with the high level of detail, ability to schedule and budgeting skills essential to success on these highly visible pieces.

These important projects demand complete trust in your designer. I have earned that trust on design projects such as digital & print magazines, books, newspapers, and other important publications for institutions and corporations. My clients have grown to trust me implicitly with these publications — you can too.

Types of Projects

  • Digital publications
  • Print publications
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • Blogs
  • Booklets
  • Articles

Typical Design Process

Digital publications

  1. Initial meeting and research
  2. Outline of goals and creative strategy
  3. Plan the site structure and data architecture
  4. Create options for the visual design
  5. Initial build and testing
  6. Revisions and final build
  7. Finished website goes live

Print publications

  1. Initial meeting and research
  2. Outline of goals and creative strategy
  3. Concept options for the cover and sample pages
  4. Final layout and design of all pages
  5. Custom artwork and illustration (if needed)
  6. Proofing and edits
  7. Create print-ready artwork and send to print vendor
  8. Print supervision (if requested)
A Guy You Can Trust

When you need creativity, technical skill, and big-job experience for mission-critical assignments.

Learn more about Guy With Glasses