Bon Cuisine

  • Logo and packaging design
  • 20+ total Boxes and Bags

Appetite stimulation is a great way to sell food. Delicious looking product images are an important design feature of this packaging line of frozen seafood products. Other design components, including the logo design and the typography, convey the premium nature of the product.

This design was made to stand out among the competition in a busy freezer case.

Great care was taken with the color reproduction — in pre-press and on press. Food images such as these should have a warm feel to appear appetizing. Freezer case lighting tends to be cool, so images should be pushed slightly warm to compensate.

Appetite stimulation is a great way to sell food.
Retail package and larger club store package
The design was made to stand out in a busy freezer case.
Yellow logo all natural product line
Yellow logo all natural product line
Packaging Design

Welcome to the jungle … everything in the modern retail environment screams for the consumer’s attention. How will your product compete for the consumer’s eye?

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